Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Letter to Lazarowicz

I have written to Mark Lazarowicz, local MP thus:
I read your article in the Leith Gazette concerning the 13 bus, and I would like to add my support to your campaign, but I cannot find where to sign a petition. Could you send me the link? I doubt you will be able to get the 13 running on a route which crosses the tramline, e.g. along Albert Place.
Also, do you realise that the TIE have planned to stop the 22, 25 and 10 bus routes? The 22 and 25 I can understand as the tramline covers much of the same ground, but not the 10.
I discussed this at the show and tell evening at St Mary's Cathedral, and was laughed at, I was told that if there are not many passengers on the tram they will stop the 11 and 16 at St Andrew's Square and make it a tram "Interchange" to force people on the tram to get down Leith Walk.
I think this is a public scandal; many, many people here in Leith feel very let down that this has been allowed to go ahead in such a way. The Scottish Parliament was meant to be "for the people" but the amount of secrecy and trickery concerning the tram -line is disgraceful and you should all feel ashamed of yourselves for wasting public money this way. Not one of the four councillors here have had the decency to get back to me when I have contacted them with my concerns.
You all seem to be singing from the same hymnsheet, and I will not vote for any of you.

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